Identity Fundamentals

Index Tab SetsEasier to Access Information

Organize your books, booklets, and documents.

Dividing longer publications into clearly labeled sections with index tabs can greatly improve usability. Each section can be distinctly marked, making it easier for users to quickly navigate the content.

Colored index tabs in a row.

The Benefits of Index Tab Sets

Index tabs are particularly beneficial for reference materials, such as corporate training manuals or sales presentations. The tabs allow readers to easily flip to the desired section.

For frequently used books or documents, consider reinforcing the index tabs and holes with a clear or colored Mylar® film. This will help the tabs withstand heavy use and remain durable over time.

When producing index tabs, the most cost-effective approach is to print standard-sized dividers in black ink. For added visual interest, you can experiment with colored ink. The tabs can be printed on the front, back, or both sides.

For a more custom or unique appearance, you also have the option of creating bespoke index tabs. This allows for flexibility in size, shape, and paper stock, as well as full-color printing. Unusual tab designs can make your publication stand out and enhance its functionality.

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